Mystic Places

Throughout his prolific artistic life Jac For created numerous landscape pictures. In these, just like in the Cosmos pictures, the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. Often the title is the only indication of whether it is a terrestrial or an extraterrestrial scenery. At the end of the day our planet is just one of many in space.

Jac For dealt with the elements water, fire, air and earth in a dramatic play of light and shadow. This is how he created countless paintings of wild waters, eerie arctic deserts, daunting glaciers, storms raging over prairies and picturesque crater landscapes in moonlight.

So entstanden unzählige Arbeiten mit Motiven von aufgewühltem Wassers und unheimlichen Eiswüsten – von beängstigenden Gletschermassiven und wühlendem Sturm über Steppenlandschaften sowie von pittoresken Kraterlandschaften im Mondlicht.